Friday, August 12, 2011

How long can i safely handle my atiel each day?

We adopted a Tiel, George, from a wonderful couple who rescued him from an abusive home. When they got him he was afraid of fingers. They had him 2 years and never put their fingers out to him, just their arms or he would bite. They had a mirror in his cage which he would squawk at. His wings were never clipped. He whistled, and said a couple of things. We brought him home last Thurs. and the first couple of mornings he talked and sang but would hiss at the mirror. We have 15 ft. high ceilings and fans, and so I clipped his wings mildly, just the 1st three feathers down about an inch and a half so he wouldn't get hurt, and wouldn't perch on the high ledges where we couldn't get him down. He can still fly to our heads which is his favorite place to land. I took the mirror out of his cage. We are a family of 6, and so he gets a ton of attention. I immediately made the rule that no one could pick him up unless they held out a finger. Now he climbs on to fingers without biting at all. He is eating and drinking fine, and his poops look good....BUT he doesn't whistle or talk any more. His last owners worked 10 hour days, so i guess my question is: it seems like he was begging to be let out before when he was singing and talking. Now that he has attention all day long, have we stopped him from whistling and talking for good? What should I do? I'm afraid he is depressed now.

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