Monday, August 8, 2011

Please read this BIG question!!!!!

Hi my name is kelly. I'm almost 17 and i've been extremly close to this boy since i was 13. We started dateing when i was 13 and we were unseperble. we were convinced we were in love and were going to have a future together. but once we got older and went into high school i meet an older boy. I was so over whelmed with the fact that, after a whole year a differnt boy started likeing me. Me and the older boy were just friends and then by the end of 9th grade i cheated on my love for this new boy. My boyfriend was so upset and went through a period of depression. Me and the older boy didnt work out over the summer becuase we never saw eachother. me and my love Kenny were still really close and i wanted to remain close to him becuase even though i cheated on him i really cared about him. Even though i was the one who cheated on him i still helped in out. during the summer me and kenny started dateing again. We gave it another shot. i started to miss my old boy named Dan and i decided to talk 2 him again. Dan told me he missed me and we both were on the same page. When school started in december for 10th grade for me and 12th grade for Dan we decided we would go back together. Me and kenny broke up. and Kenny was heart broken again. ME and kenny were still close and i still loved him and cared i talked to him about everything we helped eachother through everything. Once december came my boyfriend Dan cheated on me with one of my best friends and broke up with me. Kenny was here for me all the way and helped me so much. i Started wanting to date kenny again but in january kenny started likeing this other girl named eleanor. but she never liked him. Me and kenny decided to try to date for a week and see how it went. but it didnt work becuase he liked this other girl. Then in March i ment another boy named armando. I was hesitant at first to date him becuase i didnt want to hurt kenny anymore but i decided that i would go out with armando. Armando was younger then me and never had a real girlffirend. i was so used to the way kenny treated me that i couldnt stand having armando as a girlfriend becuase armando didnt give me enough attention. so i told armando that he didnt give me enough and he broke up with me? i was really upset but kenny was there for me again. Through this whole time kenny has been like a second boyfriend. He loved me i loved him. we were always there for eachother and we know so much about eachother. i can tell him anything and even though we have our fights we still can get over them. now, summer started and me and kenny were getting serious again and decided we were probably going to go back into a relationship. we were getting really close in June and july. but the last weekend in july kenny meet a girl at a family reunion. a 3rd cousin twice removed that he never meet before. She talked to him alot and on facebook the next day she gave him her number and this happend on monday of this week. i didnt talk 2 kenny all monday and on tuesday he told me all about this. they really liked eachother and they were going to go on a date before she left home for minasoda. I live in Pennsylvania so he never is going to see her. they went on a date and then the next day kenny told me they were boyfriend and girlfriend. she left for home and now all they do is text. he and his cousin- girlfiredn text alll the time. its only been 6 days since they meet. and Kenny told him girlfriend all about me and our history and that he loved me and would go out with me again someday. his girlfriend was ok with that and last night on friday night he told me that he thinks hes in love with her. i've been so upset lately. He told me nothing was going to happen with this girl and he was wrong. He said he loves me as a person but hes not in love with me. i'm a mess. i cant sleep i cant sleep and my stomach feels like i'm going to through up. i am unhealthy. my parents are really worried about me and kenny still wants to be my friend but i dont think i can becuase i cant be falling in love with him when hes falling in love with another girl. But he cant love her like he loves me. i care about him even though ive cheated on him the minute i did it i regreted it a million percent. i wish i never did. and i love him so much. and i told him its me or that girl and he said he cant help his feelings but since kenny is young he is never going to see that girl. its never going to work and they cant fall in love in 6 days. its just summer lovin but he doesnt understand. i wish he would come back to me. he has always been like a boyfriend to me and i wish he would relize this thing with his girlfriend is nothing. what should i do? he said he still loves me and if him and this other girl dont work out he would like to date me again. he also said he wouldnt mind marrying me but he cant perdict the future which he is correct about. i know im young but im in love with him. what should i do?

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