Thursday, August 18, 2011


Oklahoma hasn`t played yet but their season is a write off. However USC lost, Miami looks like they`re going to lose, and I have a good feeling about Pitt beating Notre Dame so the day seems to be going well...

Is it normal for my back teeth to be wiggly after getting spacers and brackets?

I just got the spacers and brackets for braces and the teeth that are near the spacers are a little wiggly. Is it normal? It isn't so wiggly that it could fall out but it moves a little. Is it normal? Will it get used to the spacers later on?

How do you take the warning to Ram Dev by Chidambaram that law would take its course?

Do u know the culture of Congressmen. It is , always blame RSS and get Muslime outfits support.They are trying to hide their own frauds like Bofors, 2G, Commonwealth,and many more yet to come. Even in stock market they are cheating daily. SEBI is useless, and these people use this platform to earn money with the corrupted money. you can come to the conclusion easily when ever congress in power, corruption is a daily practice.Do you know how Chidambaram won election, please go to his constituency and find the truth.So he has no right to talk about Ram.They will resume talks with Pakistan Government but not with Ram Dev.Ultimately Congress is useless. Kabil , Digvijay, and Chidambaram cannot save Congress. It will be a wreath for them.Wait and see.

Why should I follow my diet, if around me everybody looks good and they eat a lot ?

I used to feel the exact same way when I was in high school. It was frustrating to see the skinny girls pig out on junk food while I was starving myself. There are three possibilities why these girls stay skinny...1: they have an eating disorder (they may be purging after eating) 2: they have a really good metabolism (this will catch up to them when they get older, believe me!) 3: they are very active and burn off the calories. Try not to focus on what other people have and just take care of yourself. Eat good, healthy food and allow yourself a treat every now and then. Try to get some exercise every day, even if it's just walking. Good luck!


diStiiNGiidO ENtRE VARiiOzz EN lA fiiEStA PRiiVAdA,EStUbO Al biillON El dESMAdRE CON El kONSENtiiDO y El EfEktiVO. fAltAStE COMpA iNkiiEtO.

Which is a better topic for a 10 week research paper?

I have to write a research paper for my english cl. What do you think would be a more interesting long-term topic, Sigmund Freud's theories of the Oedipus complex, and Freudian slips, or the role of women in fairy-tales? Two very different topics, but what do you think would be better? I'd also appreciate it if you could give a reason for your answer and maybe some books (literary books) that might have to do with that topic.

I never knew it would go this far when I started having fantasies of being in another mans arms.?

I should have figured out what was going on in my marriage at the first thought of being in another mans arms. Now here I am 4 years later after I've had 1 steamy love affair with a married man, 2 one night stands, a tormentuous relationship with a street hustler, and to date taking care of a man who is taking advantage of my kindness and the deep feelings I have for him and using them as my weakness to take care of his needs, meanwhile having with other women. How did i let it go this far?

Do you believe this is true about Capricorn girls?

"Astrologers agree that Capricorn is the hardest sign to categorize, as there are many different kinds of people born under its influence. But they all share one thing in common: Just like the bubbles in a champagne, their single goal is to the top. Ruled by the fateful Saturn, they share a driving ambition and desire for power."

Confused about premarital ?

Your conditions of wanting to have are good. You love each other and you've been dating long enough (no STDs etc). But if you are not sure weither you should or the same with her then you should wait until you are both 100% able to NOT question yourselves or you might end up regretting it (:

Men only: what would you think in this situation with a girl who loves you..?

If indeed he is a "good guy" he probably feels very uncomfortable when he hears from you. He obviously wants to move forward with his life and the fact that you do not, would make him feel a certain amount of guilt. I do not want to dampen your spirits, but bear in mind that if he did respond to you on these terms, it would probably destroy the good feelings that you have for him, because guilt, deserved or not, makes one bitter.

Weird discharge.. Females please help?

For starters, I am not ually active and I am very hygienic. I even wear cotton underwear to stay clean. For the past week I ahve been having lower back craps as if I were about 2 start my period. However, nothing has ever happened. The other day I went 2 the bathroom, and on the toilet paper there was a clear discharge that was blood tinged. I have not had any itching or burning or any type of irritation. Another thing that I have noticed is that I have been having a light brown discharge in my panties. It is NOT old blood from a previous menstrual cycle. I dont know what is going on. I think that i have a UTI or a bladder infection, or even a kidney infection. However, I have not had any burning or itching or any type of odor. The bad cramps and aches in my sides are killing me. BTW, it is not ovulation bc I would def. know. Any help would be appreciated

What is the smellest part of your body?

The conclusion should be judged by other people's confirmations. Your own check could only be a reference, not decisive, please!

Charger drawing?

On Sunday the Union Tribune had a special section in the newspaper. On the cover was a drawing of Rivers, Tomlinson, and Gates marching into New England with bandages on their knees and toe. Where can I get the picture. Please post a link for the picture. Thanks a million.

What subjects should i pick for my senior yrs?i wanna become a doctor?

even i want become doctor as well and i talk about this to my teacher she said to Doctor only few universities check if you done maths or physic. they don't need both and she gave me advice that physic is really hard subject but if you are good at math it will help you allot in physic. In overall i think you should go for the subject you want because if you work hard everything is possible and but still you should keep you option open for other subject. You should choose a universities in your mind you want to go and research about it so you get idea what subject they are looking for doing medical

How to apply make up basics >_>?

Well, if you have some conceler , that would probably help. If you just put a dab of it on the spot, then rub it in in a circular type motion ( cuz it blends in better) i'm pretty sure that would help. Just make sure the color isn't too different from your natural skin color.

Am I inlove even though its another guy other than my current boyfriend (girls only please)?

Ok here it goes its my ex and this time I need an answer. Just today I gues we were talking to each other and ill skip to were we already said hi and stuff Him-brb im going to take a shower. Me- ok . A few minutes later Him-hay im back buddie. Me -oh that was fast buddie. Him - yea I was fast cause I wanted to talk to you. Me awww thx...... And tht it and I dont get it do we still lik each other or r we just playing?? And we are still buddies but I might wanna be more but I have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend and also he asked me this Him- when we go to darien lake do u wanna hold hands?? I said sure. Are me and him just friends or more so please help and I need good answers plz and thank you for all this .

What causes the white spots on my nails?

Not enough calcium in your diet..Try and buy high potency magnesium, and calcium together..the calcium then is absorbed into your body better

Can someone explain to me whats small cap & penny stock?

And lets say your making chump change with small cap can you recieve your earning weekly monthly ect..?

Vaccinations...How often?

I am getting a female maltese that is 7 weeks old on Saturday (LW). It didn't cross my mind that the vet has bills to pay also and I can remember the vaccines they suggested my older maltese gets. Well I have been doing some more research and realized that you can over vaccinate your dog. So the major question is: What vaccinations should she get (She will be UTD at 7 wks)? (Can you find a legit schedule?)

What happend to theas tv shows?

what happend to fringe on fox? i havent seen it on in like 3 weeks and the new show glee?? i havent seen that in 2 weeks eather

Ladies, what do you do between waxings?

I want to start waxing only, I used to only do it for vacations. So I started growing my hair out last weekend, then got a call to go to the beach so I had to shave it all and start over. It got me thinking what do you do in the time it takes between waxings? Do you just say 'the hell with it' and wear skirts and swimsuits anyway or do you hide your woolly self away until the waxing?

God created Jesus in his image yet it is claimed he is God.?

That verse doesn't say God created Jesus. Jesus is co-eternal with the Father and Holy Spirit. God's Son, Jesus, did not just start life in Bethlehem. He was with the Father always and came to earth as a man at a certain point in history.

Is this an Asthma attack? How can I help if it happens again.?

My Fiance and I were at our friends house and everyone there was smoking, except us. He said that he had asthma (just in random conversation not right then) But he has never had an asthma attack before. First sign was he was sweeting perfusively and breathing a bit heavy and being that weve been together 4 years Ive never seen him like this so I made us leave, on the way home (20 min drive) it would get worse.. Very scary. He was making the weirdest faces and his speech was very squeeky and hed moan.. Okay ill tell you from his point of view.. He couldnt breathe, his body wasnt breathing so he had to force the air in and force it out, he said his arms were going numb and his hands and he was trying to make a fist but he thought he wasnt getting enough oxygen so his arms were going numb. I thought he was delerious or out of his mind because Id ask him questions and he would basically yell at me in a loud moaning voice which he had to because he couldnt breathe, let me remind you I thought he was on something or slipped something. He told me he blacked out a few times and if he gave up he wouldve ped out. He wasnt really co hearent and he was very tired (obviously) for keeping himself breathing. He capt asking for air, and would get mad if I turned the AC off.. Im trying to figure out if this was an asthma attack, hes been around his friends smoking before and this is the first its ever happend.. And what can I do if this randomly happens again because he was fighting so hard to breathe..

If a Boston Red Sowacks fan fell off the bandwagon and no one was there to hear it, did he really fall?

No, not a Yankees fan, but you crude abnoctious Red Sox houligans have me secretly hoping they come back and shut you up. Where were all of you when I lived in Newport RI and Carver, Ma from 1979-2001? Why are you all so freaking proud and self promoting over one ring since 1918? I'm a proud fan of a struggling Kansas City Royals team and WE can even say we've won one since 1918. Ooops, since1985.

Computer will not start?

Hi, i have a computer that wont start. i plugged in the power supply again, and it has a motherboard light and the harddrive light. as soon as i push power, the fans spins for a millisecond and stop, and the power supply never turns on, i tried to push power again and nothing spins. so i just bought a new power supply, and plugged it in, and still doesnt work. please any help would be nice.

Do you guys thing i'm pregnant?

I am a 5foot 11inch tall male. I've noticed my midsection getting larger over the past few days. I've been feeling woozy over the past few days and sleepy at nights. I'm having strange cravings like chocolate and cuban babies.

Health question!?

I just wanted to know if cilantro, (the green leaves in salsa), is good for you. I eat an awful lot of it and wanted to watch my health.

Is a 2004 Dodge Stratus R/T with 105,000 miles worth buying?

How long it will last is a combination of how it was treated and serviced before and how you treat it now. Take a look at it's rating here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Be advised that although this site didn't have too many problems reported about the automatic transaxle, that has been a real problem in Chrysler vehicles for many years.

What is the cheapest way to travel across America?

I was really trying to find a method of traveling that involves me only having to pay $250.00 or less to get from Sioux Falls, SD to Sacramento, CA. All airplane flights, greyhound, etc are all way too expensive. I looked at AmTrak and they don't have one in Sioux Falls. I thought about couch surfers but I don't have a car to be traveling across states to stay at place to place. I'm trying to make a trip to California to see my fiance in the Air Force for her birthday on July 23rd. I'm trying to make this possible but I'm extremely broke. If someone could show me a really cheap way of traveling, that would help me enormously! Thanks :D

How do I put cheat codes on my PSP?

I bought the game MX Vs. ATV Untamed and I have no clue how to put cheat codes on. Can anyone help????

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I want to be rich?? please read?

give up lad and start smokin crack, steal all ur families money and turn into a total loser, get three square meals a day in prison and choke on bubbas man chowder every other day...not a bad life

Why can't my wife support my decisions at all?

I know it's long, but please consider answering. I would be so grateful. We've been together a few years and had our ups and downs. Sometimes she's great and I love her very much. I got out of school and am in the process of finding work. We had some problems last year that involved her flirting with various men, especially with a man at her work. She tore me down when I found out (she was apologetic at first but it didn't last), flirting more at random (delivery guys, repair men, etc.) and insulting me with jokes about my manhood. She eventually showed too much of herself to the young guy down the street (19 or 20 yrs old) and he came over while she was gardening at the side of the house in less than enough clothes. She sat and chatted with him about sports and his soccer team while I fumed inside. We talked about her actions many times and she eventually said it was because she felt I hadn't given her the lifestyle she expected when we met. She expected a big house and three kids by now (she turned 30 recently). But those times when I have worked hard at my part time job during school or spent hours studying, she complained she felt neglected. Lately, I was depressed and lacked motivation and graduation was not good. I thought she might leave at any time. On the job front, many of my clmates have had trouble finding work, but recently I felt really invigorated and motivated. I went downstairs today and basically told my wife that "I'm going to get out there and show these people they can't hold me back." I felt great for the first time in weeks. She immediately turned on me, told me I'm being a jerk and that my only goal should be to be nice to others. I felt like for once, after everything that happened, she could have been happy I had my drive back. She's told me plenty of times to get out there and do what you need. Now when I've been fired up, she says I'm a jerk. When she was looking for her job last month, she was offered a lousy position at a school in a bad part of town, which treated the kids like fools. My wife said she wanted to teach kids to achieve in life, and so held out for another job though she did not know if she would get one. She did, and I supported her in all this. But I'm in Catch-22 with her all the time. At lunch yesterday she said her grandfather had eaten her food (he lives with us). I said I would ask him not to eat her food from the fridge, she said that I was being rude and should respect her grandfather. Today at lunch, same complaint, he had eaten her food again. I said nothing, and so she got angry at me saying I should solve the problem. What was I supposed to do? It bothers me that any answer I have is the wrong answer, whether little issues or big ones. It bothers me that because I don't give her everything she wants she treats me like crap. We have all the basics, she wants extras. Why can't she support me when I need it? Why is everything I do wrong?

Is Ghana matrilineal or patrilinial?

I need to know this for a school thing that is really hard. I have no clue how to find this out. and I cant ask a teacher because i have OSS. (Im a good kid i just sutin really stupid)

Which is better: Hermes or Bottega Veneta?

the BV one is wayy better. but dont go by reputation. that is very stupid. if you like it, thats all that matters, it shouldn't be about reputation, if it is, you shouldn't be getting either of them, or any high fashion things to begin with.

IPhone 3g fell in toilet now it wont restore?

My iPhone 3g fell in the toilet so i took it out and put it in rice for about a day and then the apple would appear. I googled many ways to fix it and they said put it in DFU mode so I did and the connect to iTunes popped up. I connected it to itunes and it said restore so I pushed it. The apple with the loading bar came up on the phone for about 10 seconds and then the phone will just go blank and the error message 9 will pop up. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Well atleast get my iPhone to actually restore.

If I'm a vegetarian and still consume dairy and eggs, should I just go back to being a meat eater ?

I'm not sure if this question sounds strange but in the process of acquiring these items some animals are treated quite harsh. One of my reasons in becoming a vegetarian was because of animal cruelty. Since I'm a lacto-ovo, should I might as well be a meat eater? Even though I don't eat meat, i know most animals are harmed so that we can have milk, cheese and eggs. If cheese is made with rennet, why not eat the meat too? I do plan to become a vegan but at the moment I'm not ready. Am I stressing for nothing??? I don't want to be hypocritical. Or should I just step back, take a breather and keep doing what I'm doing very slowly but surely becoming a vegan. I've only been a vegetarian for a few months so I'm stll a little wet behind the hears on the subject.I know there are some life long and nearly life vegans and vegetarians out there that can help me. And if you are neither please don't answer or I will report you. Sorry I just don't have time for stupidity.

How long are we going to let Democrats get away with being "innocent bystanders"?

While they ruin the economy and everything else? I've personally seen thousands of posts on here from them about how "they" are Patriotic, against Criminals and Terrorists, against High Taxes and for limited Government, etc...Yet, they KEEP voting for those who destroy this country...It's no different than being in a gang that robs and kills people and saying that "you" don't agree with that!...It doesn't matter what you personally think...You are JUST AS RESPONSIBLE as the Welfare taking anti-American Criminal Thug that you vote right along side with...You are voting against America...

Is this a good book review on the story HOLES?

I think you should explain the characters a little more, but over all, it's fine. I read Holes, and I think that this review goes along with what happened. I'm being honest, and there's nothing wrong with it. Great job.

Is there any way to find out if someone is sending emails with my name in them?

I think someone might be defaming me via email. Unfortunately, I have no way to prove it. Is there any way to find out if someone is sending emails with your full name in them if you know the person's email address?

I have a question to the Catholics?

(coming from a real Catholic) they get drunk all week and then go to M on Sunday to confess their sins for the week. they think that if they confess, than it will be okay as long as they DO go to M on Sunday to confess what they did.

What are cheap insurance companies in Ontario? (Toronto)?

Well, there's still information missing to hazard a guess (license cl, # of years licensed, driving record). Your best bet is to contact an insurance broker in your area and ask them for a quote. Any website references given in this forum are bogus and should not be clicked on.

Why are there hidden drawings in Jehovahs witness publications?

I didnt believe it until I read an article about this so I went and bought heaps of old JW publications and looked over the illustrations, I found things like a horned beast in a tree, the word DIE written on a wall, a womans /nipple in a tree trunk, many ghoulie faces in mountains and clothes, skulls, a few of rams horns , one creatively added to a womans hair etc. And no, it was not like looking for pictures in clouds, I showed these independently to family and friends who also confirmed that they were most definitely without a doubt there though there are some which were hard to definitely confirm.

How can i get a Blink-182 sound?

I am using a RP 10 digitech, Peavey and or a Vox amp, and a Ibanez rx series guitar. Is an Ibanez too much of a metal guitar for this sound or tone?

I need help with religion.?

Take a religion cl, read the Bible then read the Koran, and when I say read, I mean read. Study the history of Christianty, Islam, and anyother religions, so far your opinion is based on a fashion trend of thinking as the result of lack of research

Should i trade Chris Young (SD-P) and Rich Hill for Nick Swisher or try to pursue a 3rd baseman?

I don't like either trade. You don't need to give up two very good SP just to get Swisher. At most Swisher should be worth Young. The other trade is worse. One of your 3B candidates will pan out. I especially like Encarnacion. You can afford to trade Furcal, but not three other useful players as well just for Ramirez. If you want to upgrade, Furcal for Atkins or in a one for one for ARam is more like it. You have two bench guys. You don't need more in h2h. You can just grab a FA in case of injury or off day. I'd use the Hensley spot for that sort of thing. Grab a bat for a day here and there or take a pitcher with an advantageous matchup. Gagne is on the DL. I like James a lot so use this opportunity to take him.

How hard would it be for a American to become a citizen of Canada?

I'm planning to go to UBC and when I get my degree i'm going to apply for permanent residency, how hard would it be to get that and then citizenship after the 3 year requirement has been met

Need a fast spanish translation!!?

After needing emergency surgery Saturday,my 9yr old son is being discharged from children's hospital today. His room mate is the cutest ever baby boy. His mother and I have only been able to smile warmly at each other, I wish we could communicate because I see her struggling with idea that her baby is sick. I want to tell her before I leave how Beautiful her baby is, and not loose faith, that my 9yr was too in the hospital when he was a baby for 1 mos. That he will be okay. It seems long and its so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's there. I see her trying to sleep and struggling to keep him comforted. And I feel for her, how alone she must feel here, yes an interpreter comes in upon request. but not being able to understand what is being said about your baby. If you could see this boy! Cutest Poppy (sp?) ever! I heard her call him that, it made me melt. Any one out there can shoot me over a sentence or two that i can show her on the computer or repeat upon leaving. I want her to know though we can communicate through words, we have mentally bonded by being the mother of sick child. Thanks you.

Are there any ravers on yahoo answers? lol?

lol i use to be a raver like 15 yrs ago when i was 14 lol in LA best rave i been too when my praty crew called CBS stand for crazy bud smokers in Los Angeles, CA we throw a party called Fukt fest for halloween very fun but any ways the raves die out here in LA you say u still rave what state u from?

I believe I am a strong conservative, but am conflicted with this. What do you guys think?

I'm in near complete agreement with you, including some consumer safety measures. For example, I do not want my grandbabies chewing on toys painted with lead. I am against the death penalty. I have always been against the death penalty yet I've voted for every Republican since Reagan. Carter is the reason I kicked the Democratic Party to the curb, and I've never been sorry.

I made a decision, but did I make the right one?

my ADHD just kicked in, I gotta go take my medicine then I'll be back to help you solve your relationship worries--wait for me?

What's on your IPod/MP3 Player?

A LOT!! On my iPod, i have everything from clical (Chopin, Glen Gould) to Rock (All that remains, Drowning Pool, Protest the Hero) I also have groups such as The CLiks, Tegan and Sara, Junter Valentine, The Beatles, MGMT, and Thriving Ivory.

Why doesn't the world consider Hamas "common enemies of humankind," considering the Geneva Convention IV?

Very few Liberals have ever actually read the Geneva Conventions. But they'll sure scream about them being violated even when they're not.

Ghandi's Influence on Martin Luther King!?!?

Well since MLK read alot of Ghandi's writings, and took alot from Ghandi's non violence tactics, it might look neat to go with your umbrella idea and have the words "rain down" into a book that MLK is sitting, reading. Then have those words from the book spill out to a scketch of the U.S. or the globe... project sounds like fun! Great ideas... keep it up! =)

Will the Pacers or warriors make the playoffs after the big trade?

Personallly i think the Warriors with J-rich ,baron davis, harrington,stephen jackson,monta ellis.matt barnes, become a lot stronger. I think the pacers got weaker i don't think dunleavy and murphy are difference maker i think they are just overpaid guys. However that kid IKE DIego has a Future starter written all over him

What does this sound like? "OHH!! Did you hear? Christine O'Donnel? Oh my!!! She has had financial...?

Obama doesn't have a past. He has successfully erased everything in his past. That's why nobody knows who the hell he is.

Should i try and play football with a torn acl and meniscus?

It's my senior season of football, and i tore my acl and meniscus on the first kickoff of our first game of the season. The trainer told me that i was done for the season but some of my coaches are pushing me to try and wear a brace and tough it out till the end. Is this even a possible solution?

And a third band that doesn't get mentioned enough in R&P?

I actually like what I've heard a fair bit, but have yet to get a complete album. My favorite song of theirs is Nantes, which I am uming is their most popular one, though I could be wrong.

Battery question? i need help!?

i got a battery powered pencil sharpener from staples. it requires 4 AA batteries. however, we currently do not have batteries of the same brand. i have three batteries from CVS and one from another place. they have the same number of volts and they both say alkaline battery on them. can i use them together?

Does Combat Arms from the website free?

i saw an add and saw on youtube that it was cool so i downloaded it from the website combat arms but is it free?and does it have online and all that?and dont tell me the game suks or that!

Anybody else think wrestling sucks without flair?

I loved ric. He was the greatest without question in my mind. He charisma just electrified people. I miss him.

Would you consider this emotional abuse?

He is NOT treating you OR HIS OWN children with respect! This is not rite for him to do this to you. I would tell he is not only hurting you, he's hurting his own children & is taking from them. Ask him if he would please give you some money so you can at least treat them to a movie or take them out for ice cream. This is just so selfish! Let him know the kids do not deserve this & is this what you have to look forward to in the future? Don't accept the unacceptable. Say what you mean, mean what you to you...:)

How to care for Tiger Lillies?

Uprooted and planted some tiger lillies. I know they will be in shock for some time. What is the best way to care for them? I have not had these before so I don't know.. Also, should I cut all foilage off and let start with new growth? Currently, I have them staked and a few have blooms but before being staked they were lying all over the ground. Any help appreciated. Thx.

HAiRSPRAY HELP???????????????????????

you should use a hair spray with a low alcohol content. alcohol fades dyes fast a good one off the top of my head is Paul Mitchell tease spray.

John Wesley Harding LP?

I bought a Bob Dylan LP at a garage sale for a buck yesterday. There were several releases and printings of this release, this catalog number is PC9604 which is a Mono record. From what I've been able to find out this appears to be a less prevalent version of this album. Can anyone tell me more. appears to be in VG condition.

SATAN (devil) is a friend of five evils ,To whom you know?

Our mind sometimes controlled by five evils among them one is greed (lust).According to Guru Granth sahib they plunder Nectar. What is nectar.?

Grocery shopping, Put back the things you don't want!?

Why is it that when people are shopping and then decide that they don't want an item, just put it down anywhere? Fine if it doesn't need refrigeration but come on, why are people that stupidly lazy? Frozen stuff needs to be kept frozen, does it not?

Has anyone had the HSG test done? (Hysterosalpingogram)?

I had mine done last Tuesday on CD 10. I am now CD 17 and I still have no signs that I am about to ovulate (I am charting, using OPK's and checking CM). Did anyone notice they ovulated late after this test?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anyone familiar with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following the vietnam war?

trying to put together a realistic case study of a soldier who, after returning from the vietnam war, has been diagnosed with ptsd. i'm not quite sure how to go about researching things such as family background, medical history, and education history ... it's supposed to be a made-up case study for cl where i relate it to the psychology dsm criteria, but was wondering if anyone had any experiences (real or not) that could aid in the background aspect... Thanks so much!

Fallout 3 is freezing?

It does this anytime I walk through a door, rest, wait, or anything. I am in the Marketplace at Rivet City. It keeps doing this no matter what. I tried to turn it off and then back on. Letting it rest for a day or two. But it still does it!!! Idk what is wrong, Ive looked around and a few people have said to delete the cache of F3, but it never works. IDK what to do, I am at my wits end. PLEASE HELP!

Should Jamarcus Russell have to pay the Raiders?

Well, the Raiders basically invested a TON of money into this guy, and he failed epically. I think it'd be different if he was showing up to camp in decent shape, not competing for a shot at being the MetLife Snoopy 1 blimp. As I see it, no effort= return some of your pay, since it was never earned.

How do you end a relation?

In a bad relation, with no love or desire or even respect left for the other part do to certain things, how do you brake up? If you are really sentimental, and have hard time to getting even the simplest task out of your hand? It is no mayor fighting. Just a longtime grey discontent.? //Thanks for your opinion

Question about dog that eats poop and licks mud?

Well I can only answer the bottom half and that is because he isn't trained. Training him will also help with the poo and mud problem because if he is trained to stop sit and stay on command you can wait until you catch him and tell him to sit and stay then he can't eat it if he isn't allowed to move until it gets cleaned up.

Itouch problems!!!!!PLease HELP ME i am begging u guys?

i have an itouch that used to work very good 2 days ago. i restored my itouch 2 days ago because it had too much stuff. from that point, it completly s*cks. when i trid to jailbreak again with the ziphone jailbreak software, it works for the upgraded version for itouchs, 1.1.4 which is the version i have and was trying to jailbreak, every time i opened an application it i frezzes on me i have to wait until the battery dies. i restored my i touch and jailbroke it 6 times in the last 2 days. i don't know what is wrong with it it was working fine before

Would this be weird to do at an optometrist?

Would it be weird to state a budget for your frames and ask them to show you only ones that are within your price range? Lol. I'm kind of bashful to do so! Because they kind of egg you to get expensive ones!

Computer problem......!!!!!!! help!!!?

ok so its an old (i mean old laptop probably from 2000 or 2003) its a Compaq Armada & when i turn it on the screensaver/background just appears & nothing else loads. Whats wrong? & how can i fix it?

Asics rulons vs asics aggressors how do they compare?

So I am now about to purchase a new pair of wrestling shoes. I found a pair of asics rulons that were about half the price of the new agressors. but I am def looking for ultimate traction and ultimate response. from some one who has experience- could you please tell which would really be the best decision?

I feel like I'm turning sociopathic?

A lot of people are downright rude and disgusting. But there are people out there that feel the same way you do. It is hard when everything people do and say is stupid and annoying, but you can't do anything about. Just live your life, and you will find your own group of people who absolutely feel the same way.

Whats the difference between enchiladas and fajitas?

as far as i can tell most of the differences in mexican food (or at least the Old El Paso stuff you get here) is just the way you fold it!! it's like origami with a meat filling.

My heart aches so badly. What can I do about this?

Every night I cry myself to sleep. Im SO in love with this man its not even funny. Its 330 in the mornin and im cryin right now. I miss him soo much and i love him. He makes me so happy and everytime im around him I feel like a queen. Like nothin else in my world matters. All my troubles go away when hes around. When i see him smile and sing im just in a whole nother world. I cry so hard everytime i see him. He has taken over my heart and I wouldnt wanna love anyone else. When i hav to wait and see him the pain hurts so bad. Im always so depressed. My grandma is always yellin at me about seein him and travelin to see him. Hes 34. And im alot younger but im at the legal age but not the legal drinkin age(im not sayin my real age) I wanna love him. I wanna marry him. I wanna be with him to the very end. I would treat him like hes a king. Hed hav nothin to worry about. I just wanna lay in his arms forever. Theres also a slight race problem too. Hes white and im not. Im not black either. But my grandma is always yellin "Whut do u c in that ugly white man? I cant wait until the day he gets married. I just wanna call him and let him tell u he dont want u" She says stuff like that all the time. So I ran away twice to c him. I kno its a big deal but i didnt go THAT far. Im always listenin to sad love songs and just cryin my eyes out about him. Have i mentioned how nice he has been 2 me? He is always talkin to me online(its NOT his manager) and in person he is always huggin me and flirtin with me. I always hav the best time with him. And he always notice me durin his shows. The other day my friend sent me this video and she said dont look at it. I totally misunderstood her and I just busted into tears. I was shakin. I honestly thought I was havin a nervous breakdown. I was just cryin and I was very upset. Until i looked at the video and it was some song he was singin. She was tellin me not to look cuz he looked really y on the video. No one ever understands how I feel. This isnt a obsession. Or whatever they call it. This is love. I would die for this man. I never get along with my family because im always so busy findin ways to see him. Anyways im so tired of bein depressed. I even turned to alcohol a little bit. Can someone please help me? And just a heads up the guy i like is a celebrity but he isnt THAT famous.He won a reality show actually. So yeah Help?

I have a stepson who has served 2 15 mo. sentences, now broke probation/parole.?

He needs a ex-offenders program in house that offers mentoring, skill/trades,anger mgmt.,drug/alcohol meetings,self esteem & condidence skills. I need somewhere for him to be put ASAP. Can someone help? Thank you & God bless.

Second part to my book....?

This is like the best thing I have read all day. Oh my gosh if it gets published I am going to buy it. You have a talent, I am a writer to well a novelist!

Sleep paralysis help?

You can have a sleep study done to find out what the cause is. That is one of the questions they screen you for. I have sleep apnea and sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder as well. They also check for seizures, etc. It's a good idea if you have insurance and you are having trouble with your sleep.

Attestation from Govt. gazetted officer on xeroxed doents WHO MAKES D TRUE COPY IN MUMBAI?

any govt officer can do that, visit any govt offfice or a local politician or even school, another place can even be the court

What's a good place to buy Cadbury Eggs online?

They aren't carried out of season at any of the local Walmarts, Ingles, or other major or smaller stores that I can find. I've checked both the Cadbury and Hershey's sites and I don't see anywhere to place an order. I'm reluctant to buy from just any online store, so I was hoping someone might have a site they've used that offers good prices and a variety of flavors.

Did I do the right thing?

the guy who i was seeing weve been having issues. he said a movie reminded him of me h ard candy - adn the girl kills the guy at the end. I blocked him out and put him on the ignore list. im sick of **** and his **** of ignoring me i hate his rotten guts.

Why won't my PS3 Work?

Its not the yellow light, and its not the 2009 network virus. As far as I know it works, but for some reason it won't show up on my tv screen. I have the red white yellow wires plugged in and everything, but its just not showing up on my tv. I thought it might be the wire itself, so I bought a new RWY wire and it still didn't work. Does anyone out there know what's wrong with this thing or how to fix it? I have already bought 2 of these things and don't feel like paying $300 for another one out of fear it will malfunction as well - even though I don't know how I'll live without LBP or Uncharted series, Arkham City, or any of the Rockstar games. PLease for the love of humanity hear a guy out and answer his prayer.

Spin Casting Reel new line?

I put new line on my spin cast reel and the line keeps wanting to curl off the spool. 6lb test. Did I put it on wrong or what. The new line is not that old.

Screen Video Capture?

i see speed paints on youtube and id like to be able to do that to i use jing but the videos don't last long and you cant edit them. is there a software (preferably cheap or free) that i could use that records my desktop and lets me save the files so that i can edit them in movie maker?

Louisa Catherine...comments on the name?

I think it's beautiful, it's very cly and has that old fashion feel yet it would still sound good at a young age!

Could you suggest any meaning of the acronym MIO i really want it for our group name.?

If I saw these three letters on a shirt or something I would immediately think of the Italian word "mio" which means "mine" doesn't it?

How do you go about divorcing your spouse, when you are a nobody in life? Should i just deal with it and stay?

Contact your local battered women's shelter. They will be able to step you through getting yourself and your children out safely.

Makeup reccomendations? Please help!!?

Preferably MAC glosses and lipsticks.,Not a big fan of browns and reds and the only color I LOOOVE and wear religiously is Nars Turkish Delight. I like pink w/ gold flecks, but I'm open to anything you think would look good on me. Also, any suggestions on blush, foundation or eyeshadow colors (from Sephora or MAC) are appreciated :-)Here's my photo: negative comments on my looks lol and THANKS for your suggestions :-)

Anyone know latin?

After Perseus drove the ship to the island, he betook himself to the place where his mother had once lived; but he came upon a house [that was] empty and completely deserted. For three days he sought his mother throughout the whole island; finally, on the fourth day, he arrived at the temple of Diana. Here Danae had taken refuge, because she feared Polydectes. Perseus, hearing these things, was moved by a great rage, and he hastened to the kingdom of Polydectes without delay. When he came there, he immediately broke into the atrium. Polydectes, influenced by a great fear, wished to flee. Perseus nevertheless showed the head to Medusa to the fleeting king. Moreover, [upon] seeing this, the other was transformed into a rock.

End of world by people dieing or distraction?

Their test prove to them what they want to believe, christians believe in a rapture. It depends on what you believe it is possible that the sun will "disapear." I am sure if you look around on the internet you will find another scientific theory that disproves it. Do your research and decide which one holds more merit to you. Religion usually plays a big factor in what people believe about the beginning and the end of the human race and the earth.

Does the Lg Xenon have any Apps for download?

Where can i find apps for my new at&t Lg Xenon that are free? I would especially like one for twit-pics. is there a website where they are available for download. and how do i get them on my phone?

Monday, August 15, 2011

There is this really cute girl.........please help?

she is awesomely cute....she is in my school but not in the same cl as me.......i only see her sometimes in the corridors of the school.......we have never talked with each other.....i think that she might have seen me in the corridors.... maybe....... she is adorable..... whats should i do???...... i cannot just walk up to her and ask her out.....she does not even know me.........what should i do ????

If I cut a melon and only use half, how long will the other half stay fresh?

In the fridge in a ziplock bag? Does the type of melon matter as well? I chopped three; watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew.

I want my curls to not be so dry looking. how do I do that? (pics)?

don't brush it, it'll only make it frizzy and dry. you'll want to use a creme to make it smoother like the second pic (which is really cute) and use a conditioner meant for curly hair like herbal essences totally twisted.

Do aliens really exist?

cause there seems to be phyiscal proof. like the roswell crash, they recovered pieces of the ship. And implants that doctors have taken out of people that are made up of material not on earth.

Im starting a make youre own beer project?

im starting a make youre own beer project and would like a few recipe teasers please with name and full recipe for starters let me tell you the contents of my kit and well see what comes to mind i have four extracts four boosters four brewing yeast pacs and no hops optional?/ no unmalted extracts but ill get to that the flavor of the extracts are( west coast pale ale, secondly bewitched red ale, 3rd clic american blonde ale, lastly i have cowboy golden lager) these are mr beer products! so im open to recipes or if you know of any available through websites as well it would be appreciated!

Diagnosed yesterday with genital ?

How's ur bf taking this? I think he may have lied to u. Unless he got it from birth or something, and he wouldnt b able to live that long w/it.

So fellow Red Wings Fans?

It was only game one but there are things to take from the game that look favorable for the WIngs and their fans. Really impressed with the way Datsyuk grew tired of the dirty play (yes...the Ducks tried hard to dirty up the game) and took the challenge with Perry. Perry is a relatively tough guy so I am sure today he is still shocked that Pavs not only dropped the gloves but proved to be a pretty tough customer. What I liked about the game more than anything was that Bab has returned this group to the outstanding defensive system that they need to return to so they can legitimately challenge for a Cup (even though for perspectives sake it was one game). Loved the way the 2nd line played, Filppula will benefit greatly from the size of Bert and Franzen. And finally the 3rd line....they really moved the puck well, played a tight backcheck game and Cleary sure looks healthy and back to his 08-09 form. Good start and lets hope for a healthy season but loving the depth and the confidence Howard showed, bodes well for no sopre slump if he stays as aggressive and under control as he did last night (now lets hope Ozzy plays solid between the pipes tonight).

Who is the girl that sings Space Oddity in the 2009 Lincoln MKS commercial?

Who is the girl that sings Space Oddity in the 2009 Lincoln MKS commercial? I heard it could either be Cat Power (which I think it is) or Geo Jetson... But what is the name of the song??!!! PLEASE HELP! I'm dying to know so I can hear the whole thing!! Thanks a lot!!

So upset, sobbing and had to call of work today. Man problems. What can I do?

Wow. Sounds like a mad up story to me. Plus you don't look hot stuff on your picture. (not hardly) Are you bored or something. Serioussslllyyy....

Was there anything in your fridge for lunch?

Twenty minutes of rummaging through the fridge cos I didn't see anything good, I decided to settle on a spicy veggie burger crumbled up on some salad, topped with rice and cheese. Turned out to be pretty good...

Safe area to live in Miami?

Kendall and Dadeland are okay, but try to be as far from Downtown as possible as this is where liberty city, overtown are . Also the Aventura area is nice.

Can I pull off red lips? (20 characters)?

yeah i think it looks really good. but i know what you mean by being afraid, but maybe wear the red lipstick when you don't have too much other stuff going on your face. like, if you wearing rainbow colored eyeshadow, choose a different, neutral ligloss/stick, and when your not so boldwith eyemakeup wear a bold lipstick, otherwise youll look too busy

Question about Dracula novel?

in bram stoker's novel, was the character of Renfields insanity brought on by meeting Dracula at and earlier date or was it simple exacerbated by him? I can't remember and need it for an essay...

Is freezing at my job a good cause for quitting?

I doubt you'd get unemployment for that. It seems more likely that you'd be told to wear a sweater to work.

Does anyone have inlaws favouring other grandchildren?

My sister in law use to get upset because my mom would spoil my children and not her's. Only reason why is because my children did not get like her and my brothers did. My kids only know my mom and dad. Their fathers parents have nothing to do with my children at all. I know this upsets my highly. Mysister in laws family always spoiked their kids. My parents where not good enough to match what her parents gave. They had more money than my parents. Their kids use to rub it in my children faces and my mom would interfer and give them the things they wanted.

Why when the evidence suggest America was lead into an illegal war, conservatives fight against the truth?

Inherent inability to discern truth from propaganda. After years of being conditioned to accept the mindset that the US is a righteous nation superior to all others they have an unshakable faith that the government would never propagate a lie on such a large scale to the American public. They don't believe the US government would wage a war for nefarious reasons or do anything harmful to US citizens. They believe the US government has the best interests of the country at heart and this will never change no matter what you tell them or show them. They will dismiss truth that does not match with their beliefs as lies of the liberal media or liberal nonsense trying to destroy the US because they hate Bush.

Can you give me the lyrics of this song?

this song is entitled "OVERJOYED"........well its chorus goes this way........." and if you believe what they do,they do come true........all of my dreams,till i look at you..overjoyed...over loved...over you......." ......well i didn't really dont know its chorus.........

Is Toy Story 3 "carelessly ist"?

Ok, whether you like it or not, that IS the way women are. Women are naturally more emotional. Period. You and I both know it, they need to shut up and realize that THEY AREN'T MEN.

Does anyone know who made the Humpty Dumpty Gospel song from the early nineties?

I know that Bebe Winans has one but I'm looking for another one that has a portion that goes like this, "I was like humpty, i sat on a wall. I was like humpty, i had a great fall. All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put me back together again. But, jesus, jesus did it, the lord did it."

How to have calluses (hard skin) on left hand fingertips faster than playing a guitar?

I am a beginner guitarist and i want to ease the pain when I'm fretting chords... anybody who can help?

When will New labour imbeciles stop wasting money?

To late the kitty is empty , anything they pay out now is borrowed money a a high rate of interest , The Conservatives are right they are trying to leave a scorched earth policy so that the next government will be in trouble trying to balance the books , so they can then slip back into government at the next election when whoever takes over is given the blame for trying to correct their stupidity . They are the most destructive load of free loading pigs in the trough this country has ever had the misfortune to govern over us

Send A Card please? teachers/schools?

Aw that is so sad, that poor little girl! I will most definitely send her a card! I pray to God she responds to treatment!

I need the link or information on how to download tv program es from channel 7 in sydney australia?

i want to watch home and away,all saints,and other programes on my video like i can on channel 9 i watch Underbelly on my video on wednseday night and it was on the tv on the monday night please can someone out there give me the link i need so i can download theses shows and watch then .Im a shift worker missing out on really good Australian drama as channel 7 leads the race with brilliant programes

Can I run bfbc2 with a NVIDIA GeForce 310M?

Barely on low. The 310m is not a gaming card, though it will handle older games pretty well. Newer games it'll choke on the load screen. It's not worth getting a nice game and only being able to play it far below it's capabilities.

What would you add to this system to make it better? ?

That setup is great + powerful, just go ahead and get the 1TB hard drive for more space. Other than that, everything looks good.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

So the IRS is going to garnish my wages, but i really dont make much.?

Talk to them and set up a plan (they do negotiate the rate and amount owed) but be nice or they will stick it to you.

Should I lie to my sister about being a Christian?

The point of being a God parent is that you are willing to make a commitment to the child's spiritual future, you will be asked at the service to renounce the devil etc, so I suppose there is a requirement that you are a Christian. My advice would be to explain to your sister your feelings, stress that although you believe in God you are not drawn to any particular faith. In the end it might not be a bad idea to have a word with her priest, suggest that to your sister and say you would like her there to as you want to be part of her daughters future.



How do I retrieve a signal from a modulated return?

I have a laser beam which I am modulating the intensity of with a psuedorandom maximum length sequence code. It propagates through the atmosphere, and some of the light is tered back- this is the atmospheric signal that depends on distance from the transmitter. I want to get the atmospheric signal (with all its valuable atmospheric information), but it is convoluted (?) with the psuedorandom code. I read that I need to cross-correlate the signal with the psuedorandom code- but what does that mean? Do you know what I should do to get my atmospheric signal?

Fired for the 2nd time in a row. What should I do?

I'm 20 years old. The first job I had in high school was a custodian, and I hated it. I got fired after a year for asking for a different position. I was able to lie and say I got "laid off" to get a new job, also in retail. I've been working that next job since I was 18, and never had a problem until the past month when a new manager was hired. I was late twice in one month, so he fired me (even though I've been a good employee for 3 fricken years, and I was only late because I was without a car for that short time! Yet he couldn't get that through his head.). Now I need a part time job this summer to pay off some debt. I'm also a college student. Should I even bother stating my work history on my job applications? I'm just going to apply to basic low-end jobs like grocery stores and jobs at my school, so I doubt they'll REALLY care if I even have a job history or not.

I need some advise on losing my weight and am I doing it right as I am losing weight ?

cutt alot of things down like I don't have any sweets or anything like that and I still eat ok but things like beans and some fish and I do alot and lots of workouts at the gym and ever week I lose 4lbs in weight and I talked to the gym people and they made me a sheet of workout I should do and now i'm losing 4lbs in weight thats alright right but sometime I can lose just 2 or 3 a week. And something is really bugs me before I work out I did a diet before which I only lost 1 or 2 pound a week but now i'm working out and losing more weight my uncle and my sister boyfriend don't want to know but I work so hard on it and my uncle son ever time I tell him oh I lost 3 or 4lb or lost 2 stone all I get is yeah well your still fat or i'll get you still got along way to go should I lister to them as I have lost 2 stone and need to lose 3 more stone

Abdul Razzak 2 wickets in 2 in first over of game agoanst SL A team!!!?

if you aske me,..iluminating island's,......... impressive improvement is,.................................,Sri Lankans are getting used to life without,...their cricket legends~

Travelling to Oman, any advice?

Oman is cool, it is a liberal county, probably the most liberal Muslim county in the Mid East. You can do as you want there, although they do not like public drunkeness and supplying booze to the locals. Do not smoke in public on a Friday or Ramadan. It is OK for accompanied women to wear bikinis on a beach and yes, it is full of Brits but not many tourists, they all work there. Fly down to Dhofar, you can see Lot's grave in the mountains there (yes, that Lot, he of the fire and brimstone on top of Sodom and Gomorrah) and there are some wonderful empty beaches there along with a Hilton and Holiday Inn. Have a nice time!

Evil boss, what to do?

The boss doesn't appear to be doing anything illegal, just annoying/bitchy. There's nothing anyone can do about that.

Hooked up with an pleaseeee!?

Hi Guys! Okay so here is my story, my ex boyfriend and i broke up about 3 weeks ago because he left for college. We were in contact most of the time and i visited him at college (we are obviously on good terms) While i was at college we made out, he held my hand around campus, and told me he loved me. His college is about an hour away from where i live and it was labor day weekend so he decided to come back with me and i drove him back to his house to visit his family. I saw him again on saturday night and he kissed me in front of my friends, was holding my hand, and told me he loved me again. We decided to go to homecoming together and i am going out to dinner with his mom and mine next week. It is obvious we still love each other, but i'm not sure whether i should wait it out and see what happens between us or move on. He told me even if he hooked up with another girl he would still love me and the only reason we can't be together is because he needs to focus on getting adjusted to college life and focus on school since he wants to be an engineer. Also, there is this girl who told him while we were dating she wanted to have a sleepover with him and was being very flirty. When i visited him at school he saw her and texted her "hey was that you in the restaurant" she replied with a "yes" and then he said " oh i thought so i was with my ex, mya and i am still in love with her"...she never replied. He knew i was uncomfortable with him being around her and frankly, dislike her so i thought that was a nice gesture. Since this past weekend, we have been in constant contact. So what do you think i should do? Thanks for your help in advance! :)

Prince Harry: Why is Heroin production being fought over as much as oil, when Cocaine remains uncontested?

Let's face it, if Prince Harry was fighting Cocaine smugglers half the British aristocracy would disown him, why is Heroine production as fiercely contested as oil but Cocaine abuse given the red carpet?

How to take care of a guinea pig?

Me and my sister have wanted a guinea big (each) for a while now and we have a few questions to ask before we get one. #1. what should we feed our guinea pigs and what not to feed them? #2. how big does the cage need to b for two guinea pigs? #3. I have asthma but it doesn't bother me that much any more only when I have a really bad cold which is rare but just to b safe and to no cause father won't let me if it will cause asthma problems so will it? #4. The hay they eat what does it do for them and do they have to have it is there anything else to feed them that does the same thing the hay does for them? #5. Me and my sis live in two different rooms so both of us are going to get a boy cause they are nicer and more playfull then girls but she wants her guinea pig in her room and I want mine with me but will they get to lonly we can't put them both in her room her room is just tooo small and I wanted my guinea pig way before she did and she can't keep hers in my room cause we don't hang in my room so we were going to just put her guinea pig in my room anyways cause her room is just to small for the both of them and bring hers to her room at night (there will b a one guinea pig sizes C&C cage in there both cages will b C&C) will that make them sad should we just leave hers with her and mine with me? Number uhhh I think it's 7. How much will the whole thing cost like food, water, bedding, the guiea pigs of course, supplies, all together oh and the cage how much is it ? #8. does the guinea pigs have to go to the vet for check ups or just when they are acting weird and how often do they if they have to and if we skip some visites will they b ok? Well thanks for reading sooorrrryyy it was soooo loongg but we just want the best for our guinea pigs thanks for the help. :P

If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?

I think I want a bowl of fettuchini alfredo, baked chicken, garlic bread, scalloped potatoes, and salad. With a gl of wine. Yum.

Pcr test for hep c?

Polymerase chain reaction is an effective way to test for various illnesses, including hepatitis C. If you have a low risk for having the illness before you tested, it is extremely unlikely that you have it. If there was a high probablity of having the disease, a second negative pcr would be very reuring that you don't have it.

What's on the menu for supper for your little ones tonight?

Tomorrow my middle daughter is turning 6 so she picked what we are having for dinner. She is getting her favorites chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs and beets.

Beard Growth Through these means?

well it,s like this. if the hair is,nt there then it can,t grow. keep shaving won,t make it grow any more or faster.

Am i wrong for not trusting my cousin?

So i have this cousin who i grew up with, she lived with my mother and me through middle school all the way till high school. We were like best friends. but then i moved to another state with my now husband and she started hanging out with another family member. I moved back to my hometown state with my husband and found out that my cousin has been having relations with a family friend who at the time was my ex best friends boyfriend. I felt really bad because she would sleep with the guy and then hang out with his girlfriend like if nothing was going on. It disgusted me in so many ways, like how can she smile to her face knowing she's sleeping with her boyfriend? well because of her dishonesty i just don't trust her around my husband. Like one day my husband left his car parked in front of her house, he had went out with another friend but i didn't know until after i spoke to him later on in the day... but i asked her if she'd seen him because his car was parked in front of her apartment and she said no and got offended. Was i wrong to ask her. i mean am i wrong for not trusting her?

What are some good male dog names?

Sorry sweetie I would not pick any of your choices, the reason being is that if you have to many syllables in a name it can cause problems if your going to train the dog. Pick a name with only one syllable like Josh or Duke, keeping the name short and simple will help you in the long run.

Baby Boy Names - Rate them 1-10?

If you name your kid Jace, Heath, Deon/Dion, Keiran, Camden, Silas, you need imprisoned. Simply so the state can remove your child for the life time of abuse you're setting him up for.

How much Fletching Xp a hour at 82 fletching can i get if i work consistently in runescape? (Runescape)?

Im going for the cape. Im at 82 fletching now, if you can tell me how much xp a hour i can get ill give you best answer. If you want to really help, you can tell me how long it would take to get to 99. Thank you

Why did toysrus double charge me online?

I bought 3 action figures for my brother and a ps3 controller which was 55.83. And that was 3 days ago and I just recently checked my bank online and they charged me again for all 3 action figures? What the hell am i suppose to do, i am so pissed off right now

Good story beginning?

it's good. too much detail (at least for me) it was dragging so i wasn't tht pulled into the writing. also so many "my" at the beginning of each sentence. to get rid of the habit of using same words in the beginning of the sentences, you should write all the beginning words in the each paragraph or page and see which words u overuse. tht way u can circle the ones tht is overused and edit ur sentence. hope it helps(:

Stepson got kicked out for bringing drugs into the home- should I stick it out or say "it's him or me?"?

I can't figure out why you thought the stepson's age was irrelevant. If he's 13, I think you owe him another chance. If he's 18+, I say the heck with that - he's an adult and needs to be on his own.

He told his ex about me, will they ever get back together?

I'm dating a fellow grad student in my department who told me that he and his girlfriend deceided to see other people, before he left home, and possibly get back together once he returns to his home state after graduation. Now he told me that he told her about me and she said that she wont focus on us, because her focus is for them to get back together once he returns. does this means that he has strong feelings for me in order to tell mer about me? It sounds like they communicate with each other often

A block in checkers?

If that happens, the winner of the game would be the one who last moved. Since neither of you can move, whoever turn it is loses the game.

How old does a kitten have to be to get deed?

my son brought home a stray kitten a few weeks ago, i think it was about 6-7 weeks old judging by it's size, although it could have been older and malnourished. needs to be deed before it can be let outside

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is missing a shower 1 day gross?

accasionaly ill miss one shower but i lather up with deoderant and a squirt of cologne is it disgusting because if it is i will never do it again i fear being gross lol.

Rate/fix burn deck yugioh please 10 pts?

Don't add shrink. Maybe Unity or Dark Bribe. I would take out Seven Tools of the Bandit for Dark Bribe and take out shield and sword and place Unity in it's place.

Electric or Acoustic? Price ranges?

I've been taking piano lessons for almost 9 years now. I was hoping to start taking guitar. I'm left-handed and I like the sound of acoustics much better. Is one easier to play than the other? What are the price ranges of the good left-handed ones? Please include anything else that you think might help me with my search.

How does a nurse benefit from any Nursing ociation?

I'm a brand new LVN, and I was wondering if I should join my local Nursing ociation? What are the pros and cons?

My name is rojaa and i need help please?

mein rojaa mujhe ek sawal poochna he aap sabse,ke jo log english properly nahi jante kiya wo log aapke dost nahi ban sakte,kiya wo log apne dil ki baat ya koi sawal yahoo answers per share nahi ker sakte,or agar karen to kiya unke baat kea koi jawab dega ya nahi, jese ki mein haan mujhe english nahi aati to hum jese logo ko kiya aap me shamil hone ka koi haq nahi sirf is liye k humein english nahi aati,pata he hum jese logo ka akser sab mazak udate hein isi liye humlog heen bhawna ke shikar ho jate hein or piche reh jate hein hamare dil ki baat khayaal dil mein hi rehjaate hein,kiyonke english ka chalan itna badh gaya he ke mujh jese log akser logon ke mazak ki wajah bante hein,ye hamara Bharat desh he jahan doosre desh ki bhasha or wahan ki sabhyata , chaal chalan itna badh gaya he ke hamare loghi hamein apna nahi paate or apne desh mein hi hum begaane ban jaate hein,jab humara saath aisa hota he to bada dookh hota he,mein un logon se poochti hoo jinki wajah se hamme heen bhawna hoti he ,ke hamein kiya kerna chahiye,kiya karen hum,kamein apni jagah kiyo nahi mil paati kiyo nahi apnaya jata hamein.please mujhe mere sawl ka jawab dijiye.

Do you think that the US Army should switch back to the BDU?

I think that the ACU is bad for discipline because Soldiers don't have to shine boots and iron/ press their uniform. It gives them the easy fix and also hurts pride and tradition. In my mind a Soldier's uniform is a good reflection of the Soldier themselves. I also think that Drill Sergeants do not nearly look as clean, mean, and professional in the ACU. Whatever happened to the good old days of Monday morning open ranks inspections and highly spit shined black leather boots? I know the ACU is ok for Iraq/ Afghanistan but the DCU was much better. When the Army left the BDU I think it left behind a good part of pride, tradition, and discipline.

Do you need a permit to make spacecraft?

I had this dream were I managed somehow to make a Jules Verne-esque spaceship (Looks like a looong bullet with steam locomotive parts added on) I ended up somehow got it flying up from a wheat field and flew all the way to Mars and back, but I can't help if Nasa or someone else would either arrest me for not having a permit or permission to fly the spacecraft or would something else happen?

I have the choice of dissecting a frog or a crayfish?

We just dissected worms today and with my 2 partners Karen and Courtney and Karen did the slicing i did some too and courtney just watched(too grossed out) It was cool but we dissect frogs and crayfish later on and me and courney are each going to dissect one or the other. I think i wanna do the frog but it might be to "bloody" for me but crayfish freak m e out. i can't diside wich one i should do? help? which is better?

I can't connect to Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron infrastructure games. What can I do?

When I try to connect to an infrastructure game on any multiplayer game, the connection takes a long time, and then it fails. I can connect to internet when I'm not on a game; just wireless internet for 'net surfing. I have a Linksys WRT54GS Router.

Am I going to jail now?

I don't have the $2,333.33 to help pay for the bailout... And even if I had it I would rather blow it on hookers and midgets or hooker midgets instead of "rescuing" the fatcat bankers and the corrupt thieving CEOs

How do you escape an impossible crush?

I've been helplessly crushing on a girl for the longest time, even though it has been obvious for a while that we'll never be together. The pain is overwhelming and I'm miserable and depressed. I wish I could forget her, but I see her nearly every day and its killing me. Please, how can I escape my feelings for her?

Can landlord evict me when I payed rent?He is acting in retaliation-he doesn't want to fix maintenance issues!?

We moved into a condo in October. We payed first, last, and security. Our rent has been payed on time every month (even after our landlord would misplace the check-we would pay a 33.00 cancelation fee and re-issue another one plus postage!) We noticed a couple of days after moving in that we were missing screens in some of the windows. It is hot in Miami so we were concerned of not being able to open the windows. Roaches, lizards, and ants all can come in with no screen. We contacted him right away. He answered by stating "keep your windows shut". This is in a saved voicemail. Then we decided to turn on the 2 AC units that we have. To our horror the units didn't work! He then came over and stated he would buy new ones. That never happened. We started noticing that we were not being given very much hot water when taking showers or doing the dishes. We opened up the cabinet to the water heater, and again, to our horror we discovered that it was leaking...alot. We contacted our landlord right away however, he never sent a plumber over. He said that he didn't have the funds. We told him we would pay and deduct from our rent but he refused. In January we were startled at 3am by a loud "pop" in our bedroom. Our ceiling fan that our landlord had installed caught on fire! The fire department had to even come out. They turned off the breaker and told us that we couldn't turn on our electricity because it was a fire hazard. Code compliance gave him 48 hours to get a certified electrician out to the place. That never happened. Five days later he sent out an electrician. He refused service which is proven on the work order stating he didn't have the funds. As months ped, the water heater leaked more and more into the kitchen causing us to fall in the kitchen many times. We would slush in the kitchen as if the floor had become one big outdoor puddle. The smell was ridiculous and was getting worse. We finally sent a certified letter to the landlord telling him that the living conditions were not o.k. and that we couldn't take it. We were getting bloody noses and sinus issues from such a strong smell of mold. We sent the letter letting him know our move out date and when we could conduct the walk through. He refused to sign for the package. We then start receiving death threats and horrible text messages at all hours of the night. He told us he would poison our dogs. That we would come home one day and be locked out. That he had spent our security and so on. Yesterday, he comes to our condo we leased in a contract for one year and served us eviction papers with 7 police officers. This made it seem as though to neighbors that I had not been paying rent or that I was a horrible person. Thank goodness the president of the condo ociation was there to be an advocate on my side. He owes the condo ociation thousands. The people below my condo are pissed because the leak has gone into their condo which they own! And the lady is 8months pregnant. The leak is now being taken care of the ociation because the landlorn failed to. Now we half our wall missing in the bedroom which we can't use, drywall all over our bed and floor, black toxic mold covering the walls, and now we are getting illegally evicted. On the eviction notice he stated he was evicting me because of threatening his dog as well as himself?? Yet, admitted to the officers that he just lost his job and couldn't afford the repairs and furthermore, had no doentation of threats ever made by myself. We want our security back, this months rent back, and other monies owed to us for living in such filth. We tried to break the lease and yet we get evicted. This all seems unfair. We have contacted an attorney however, what are our chances of winning? We live in Miami Florida! Please help! Help from attorneys or lawyers is greatly appreciated as well!!!

Does Bill Clinton's action in Korea today prove anything?

You're absolutely correct. Hatred for anything Democratic, especially the Clintons and Obama, is their creed.

Is he too old for me?

that's the same age difference between me and my bf, but it's the other way around (I'm almost 18, he's almost 16) so two years isn't a big deal, but with the description you gave i don't think age should be the biggest deciding factor here, but a matter of life style (ex: his drinking and smoking are not exactly healthy for someone your age to be around, I've dated some older 'bad boys' and they ended up choosing drugs over me every time)

The Song Bitter Pill-by Annie Lennox?

Just wondering, does the song "Bitter pill capture ur interset? Do you like the song? i kinda of do. u can just say yes or no. thanx

I,m in luv with a guy that doesnt like me?

i met this guy online we used to flirt alot online b4 we met ,he used to like me alot but we went out x2 ,then he said he dosent even want to be friend anymore ,he said that i,m too persistence bcos i get worried wen i dont hear fom him and i used to ring him up but he doenst like it ..this is really killing me i like him alot do i get over it??

Who would win if Hitler and Napoleon went to war with each other?

Both were born in different time periods but imagine if they were in the same time period and they went to war. First scenario Hitler is born in Napoleon's time so he only has access to weapons of that time such as muskets and canons etc. Second scenario Napoleon is born in Hitler's time so he has access to modern weapons like machine guns, tanks etc. In other words both of them on equal footing when it comes to weponry who would win?

Confused about Heroes Season 3 (contains SPOLIERS, please do not read if you have not finished watching it)?

OK so Sylar becomes a shape shifter.....but didn't he already have that ability? Wasn't it in Season 1 that Sylar morphed into Nathan Petrelli and was shown giving a Presidential Speech? This does happen in Season 3 but I am confused....didn't it also happen in Season 1? And didn't Sylar thus already have the ability to shape shift? Which does not explain why he had to kill some one in Season 3 to get that ability..... Please explain, will be grateful for a clear answer!! Thanks.

Poll : Do you want to be cremated or buried after you die? Why?

Cremate me. Cheaper, less of a burden and why put me in the ground where no one will come to visit me in a year or so? Eventually to be dug up or moved or paved over? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If anyone cares so much for me, then keep my ashes with you.

Will society ever cast off the shackles of religious superstition and try to achieve something useful?

I sometimes wonder if people will ever wake up to the fact that religion has crippled human progress for thousands of years.

If the octet rule was obeyed by arsenic atoms, which ion of arsenic would be found in ionic arsenic compounds?

As3-. Since arsenic would be in the same group as nitrogen, it would act similarly, forming an ion with a -3 charge.

Have you ever allowed a big, collarless, dead fur ridden dog adopt you?

I had a cat that I considered the same way you do that dog. She was so weak she could no longer jump in the dumpster to eat, a student had cared for her and two others and decided to move and not tell any one. She was so hungry she would scarf up plain bread. I had to move because of her, wanted to keep her and it was against the rules at that apartment complex, found another that let me keep pets. She appreciated everything I did for her, would wag her tail in a slow sweeping motion when I offered her a quilt to lay on or a treat. She was definitly a gift from God.

Rock and Pop, on a scale of 1 to 10?

I would say that I am balanced by the hippie stuff from the sixties, but I like lots of the really heavy stuff too. So I would say an 8. But that is only in the category of rock and pop. I like some jazz and country and gospel and blues and clical and world and folk as well so It is hard to put a number if you were to include all of that.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Future mother-in-law complains I am not "building a relationship" with her. Why should care?

FMIL is constantly whining that I'm not "building a relationship" with her. Newsflash: I have a very busy life of my own that FMIL does not fit into. I am helping my mother care for her disabled mother, my gran, I am enrolled in an intensive MFA program, have 3 jobs and working on opening a business with FH. I don't have the time or inclination to "build" a relationship with FMIL. She has too much time on her hands if she is worried about this. I have my own life and I really don't have time for this woman's pity party. Honestly, why can't she get her own life and leave me alone?

Treasure Hunt - ideas?

I am thinking of running a "treasure hunt" in a French town for some English friends, for fun and to help with their French language. This will be a list of say 20 questions they have to find the answers to. Eg on what river does Valence stand? where they probably have to ask someone, and "translate the Plat du Jour at the Entreacte restaurant. Any ideas, I'd like to get them talking to people not just looking at dates, road names etc.

Anybody that plays silkroad please answer this one please....?

ok you know how you create a imbue by getting a one force mastery to level 5 well can you make an even more powerful imbue if you keep the leveling up of the mastery of the force you are using?

Name even ONE achievement of McCain.?

I love it. People that voted for the joke that is our president now have nothing to say about him because of the horrible job he is doing, so they have to go back and talk about the other candidate because the one who won sucks so badly. But im not too worried because once Obama is impeached, and the hype is over, the rightful president, McCain, will take office.

Do you go to PTA meetings, or open house at your childs school?

I am extremely involved in my son's school. I attend almost every PTA meeting, volunteer as a clroom istant three days per week, and sign up for every fundraiser and/or special event. I think that parents should do as much as possible for their children's school. It takes a team effort to educate children. Teachers can't - and shouldn't - be expected to handle all of the "extras" like after - school events by themselves.

Anyone know if there's a method to block up the holes/pockets in a billiard table?

I like to play what's called carom billiards (, which means i want a table with no holes, something that i cant find in there some way (maybe some billiard table accesory or diy style) to block up the holes and make the corners smooth like in the picture on the wikipedia article?

What do these memory lapses and comprehension issues mean?

Yes please go to your doctor. Only your doctor can tell you whether or not it is serious and what you can do for it. From what you have said, I am seriously worried about you so please go to the doctor.

Should I watch Star Trek TNG series before I watch The Next Generation movies?

I know that I should watch TOS before I watch the original movies, but would it also be better to watch all seven seasons of TNG before watching those movies?

Depression without clinical help?

Sounds like you need something stronger than St Johns Wort. An md or a clinic can prescribe meds to help you deal with your depresssion. You can call this number anytime to talk to someone who will help: 800-273-TALK (8255)

Any guitar fans of metallica?

Is there like an Anthology of Metallica songs with guitar tabs? I want one but I like different songs from each album. Does anyone know if one exists? Thanks

IS this a good story? (So far)?

Umm, it's a cliche story. Plus, there are major and painful spelling and grammatical errors. I couldn't even finish.

How can i get 3g sevice in a 2g zone?

i live out in the country and would like to know what i could buy to get 3g service in my home where i have 2g service. i have been looking online and it gets confusing on what i need like between a repeater, amplifier, antenna booster. i know it can be done a coworker told me that his father in law did it with att but then again the guy is a communications engineer and i want to do it for tmobile their ain't many products for it

How long can i safely handle my atiel each day?

We adopted a Tiel, George, from a wonderful couple who rescued him from an abusive home. When they got him he was afraid of fingers. They had him 2 years and never put their fingers out to him, just their arms or he would bite. They had a mirror in his cage which he would squawk at. His wings were never clipped. He whistled, and said a couple of things. We brought him home last Thurs. and the first couple of mornings he talked and sang but would hiss at the mirror. We have 15 ft. high ceilings and fans, and so I clipped his wings mildly, just the 1st three feathers down about an inch and a half so he wouldn't get hurt, and wouldn't perch on the high ledges where we couldn't get him down. He can still fly to our heads which is his favorite place to land. I took the mirror out of his cage. We are a family of 6, and so he gets a ton of attention. I immediately made the rule that no one could pick him up unless they held out a finger. Now he climbs on to fingers without biting at all. He is eating and drinking fine, and his poops look good....BUT he doesn't whistle or talk any more. His last owners worked 10 hour days, so i guess my question is: it seems like he was begging to be let out before when he was singing and talking. Now that he has attention all day long, have we stopped him from whistling and talking for good? What should I do? I'm afraid he is depressed now.

Who else hates Weight Cles in Mixed Martial Arts?

I'd love to see Georges St. Pierre vs Lyoto Machida or Fedor Emelianenko vs Anderson Silva or something ridiculous like Urijah Faber vs Brock Lesnar but Weight Cles would prohibit such a thing from happening. They really go against the principles of Martial Arts as well being that you are not trained to fight people of your weight cl you are trained to fight or defend against anyone. But obviously nothing can be done unless something like Fedor stops eating or Urijah eats a ton of Twinkies in which case he wouldn't be in any condition to fight.

Enhanced crb scared]?

i have just had my fingerprints taken for my crb check and was told my crb shouldnt take more than 2 weeks now. i have never been involved with the police ever but am still worried about my crb. is this normal? im just worried that my crb might have a criminal conviction on it but what is strange is that i know iv never been involved with the police. please can you help put my mind at ease. it would be much appreciated

Hooray another question about poo!?

He's constipated. Maybe try giving him a little apple juice or yogurt. That always helps my daughter get things going.

Are there any conspiracy theories that have real merit?

I don't know if this fits in with a conspiracy theory. A friend told me that Earth's entire food supply is controlled by 5 families. These families are well established and have incredible wealth. They are under the radar of course but they fund the players in the government and religious systems.

Underground or mainstream? Mainstream or underground?

Here's my very blunt response to all of this: Just shut the f uck up and enjoy the music. You "underground" heads won't be any less "underground" if you listen to an MC that's less abrasive or collaborated with a popular producer. And it won't kill a "mainstream" head to listen to a rapper that doesn't sound like a R&B reject over a beat that you can't do the Soulja Boy to. In fact, I think that we hip-hop heads tend to patronize the term "underground" and s hit on the term "mainstream" too much sometimes. It's just like when people patronize "conscious rap" and overly-condemn "gangsta rap", which every hip-hop fan hates.

Mothers: Has your teenage son ever asked you to buy him tighty whities or briefs?

just the opposite actually. My kids when little wore briefs or as you called them (tighty whities). As they got older they requested boxers. So now my older three wear boxers, my youngest age 10 wears boxer briefs, he likes those better.

Boyfriend trust problem...10 pts bst answer?

I've been dating my bf for 5 years and I've always been afraid he'd cheat on me. he gave me his pwords to his email and myspace years ago, and he says if i ever feel the need to question anything--just ask about it. I haven't looked in his e-mail in a very long time, but recently we were fighting and having problems, and so i decided to see if another female was the problem. I checked his e-mail and found messages to a girl he told me about. "an online friend that was obsessed with him" he says. he's told me that this girl was "in love" with him and he wasn't saying nothing to her... I find out that not only does this girl have his e-mail address, he's been telling her he misses her and loves her. i decide to let this go... and i looked in his myspace, to find out he's been looking at pics of other girls... I feel like absolute Sht right now.. complete crap. Oh and guess what? there was a girl from last year that sent him pictures of herself, some of them are of her in her underwear. She sent those photos to his inbox. and of course--i freaked out when i found them. "she was talking trash and i wanted to see wat she looked like" was the excuse he gave me for saving her pictures in his inbox in a folder WITH MY NAME ON IT. I find out he sent her an IM saying hi..and she didnt reply. that was a month ago... After tonight i feel like absolute trash, like a stupid moron. I can't believe my eyes I'm really hurt... pissed off never the less... things were going so well too.. I am so glad i can't look at his phone record...I don't want to be heart broken today. What should I do--i really love this man. someone help me...please?

What do religious people get when they proselytize non-believers?

The sincere ones proselytize because they truly believe they have something beautiful and want to share with others. It does not occur to them that sometimes their approach is parental ,condescending or arrogant.

My brakes only fail when it's hot out?

I have a 1992 Honda accord. My brakes work fine at night, when it's cool outside, but whenever it is above 70 degrees during the day, they get real spongy and eventually give out. Thankful my emergency brake works!!

Need some advice on this one? Should I wait for the courts or go about it myself?

I have a 4 month old baby girl, when she was just 2 days old i took her to see her father and he put his hands on me and would not allow me to leave; a few weeks later because my child was crying and i hung up the phone on him to attend to her he called ACS on me stating that i hit my child!! That was the last straw for me, i called the cops on him and told them that he put his hands on me and now he is making false accusations on me. Now this is not the first time he has put his hands on me but i broke up with him but chose to deal with him again for the sake of my baby.. But i tried and see that it is not going to work that way. After i called the cops i had to go to court i got an order of protection against him for 2 years. The order of protection was done in family court now i have one pending in criminal court because he threatened to kill me and was posting aggravating messages online. I don't want to stop him from seeing his child but i feel he is up to something i don't know what as of yet. We went to court and he told the judge he wants full custody then his moms is telling me that he doesn't want full custody he don't even know how to handle a child. She calls once a week to see how the baby is doing and if she can come see her. I know he uses his mom against me because we are cool. Se is trying to make me drop the criminal charges against him, but i am not going too. Now she wants me to bring the baby over to he house so that he can see her. Should i do that? I mean why am i in court for visitation and custody if they wanna do it out of court? I don't even understand why she is trying to help her son out when he recently punched her in the face, and i am sure its because of something she agreed to that dealt with me. She also has a pending case against him which i am sure she is going to drop, and i recently found out through the courts that he has alot of domestic violence disputes. Would i be putting my child in danger if i let him see her? Should i file for sole custody, seeing that i don't want anything to do with him? Will i be able to get sole custody?

How do I ask my roommate not to pan fry sardines?

My new roommate is driving us to insanity. He has revolting taste in food, primarily pan frying of sardines, It stinks up the house something terrible. He also leaves the oily residue all over the kitchen which gets on my hands. Please help!

McCAin McPAin? Who did you feel sorry for during this last debate? Do we need a steady hand and mind now?

I understand why Mc Cain never lookied at Obama - because he has serious issues with his twitching and his ability to communicate without a tirade.

Which do you prefer on MW2, ACR, or Scar-H?

I have been wondering this for a while since i went prestige for the 2nd time i didn't want the same nooby gun, the scar, but i still like it. Which do you prefer, and what perks and stuff do you use one it. Not using the ACR a lot is a down side since now i don't know whats good on it. Thank You to all that help!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Survey: Poetically reacting to a Plus-Sized Super Sonics Fan Who Wants Your Clam Chowder ?

I'd be like, "I realize my apples make you grunt and rise like warm fresh bread but please keep your clammy hands away from my moistness".

Plane trip, can i bring 6oz wax? help?

Maximum you can carry per Clear Plastic Bottle is 3.4oz. You can get two 3oz clear bottles and put your wax in there, but you will need to put in a 1quart clear zip lock bag. Check the source for more info.

Are any of you teens at home? If so why are u home right know or what are u up to?

I'm home because we had a "cold day"..It's not really a snow day since it hasn't snowed for three days, but it's -18 so they closed the school. I'm playing with silly putty and listening to a mix of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros! :)

I found a 1965 and a 1967 quarter, are they worth anything?

They're thick. They're pretty rusty, but still easily readable. I found them under a tree in the yard at my school. (right across the street from St.Katherine Drexel's Shrine.) Are they worth anything? (not $.50) I mean like to a collector? I don't want to really save them if someone will buy them now.

I need help on harvest moon;wonderfull life for game cube?

they're all pretty easy, it's all about personal preference. celia likes flowers, moon ores, coins, veggies, and eggs. nami likes skulls and artifacts (from the ruins). and muffy likes flowers, coins, and moon ores. i think the easiest is muffy though because she seems to like you from the start. to propose you need to get at least 3 or 4 hearts and then give them the blue feather. there's no rush though because the elves will give you the feather and you won't even get married until the end of the year (even if you propose early) so you have lots of time to make them fall in love with you.

Please Help..Is this hopeless?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it is pretty much hopeless. It sounds that with all the pressure she had she just couldn't handle it anymore and went for something easier. She might still have feelings for you but don't waste your life hanging around waiting. Get out find somebody else. It seems unreal now but as time goes it'll get easier. It maybe that she will come back to you but still get out you know. or you could try to get her back maybe she didnt change at all and she just just feels after all these issues yall don't have anything in common anymore but as fo what to do next you're gonna have to figure that out

Games like NY Nights for PC?

Hi guyz,i need help,i watched on a game on pc few years ago,where you have to talk girls and **** them ofc...ok but i dont rember the name of the game,its prtty same scenario to NY Nights for cell phone...And im not talking about Laisure Suit Larry,there is not skill with the games its some way skill in talking with people...Pls tell me name of 1 game like this one maybe thats it.Thanks!

Does anyone know any good guacamole dip recipes?

I'm having a party and I don't want to serve just regular guacamole with chips. Any suggestions for a guacamole dip recipe that isn't just plain and boring?

Unsolvable Cipher?

If a message is encrypted with more than one encryption method, is it technically solvable? For example, if I encode a message using Vigenere ciphering and then I re-encoded this output using a poly-symbolic, non-letter alphabet would it be possible to decrypt? Without character frequencies (lost with the Vigenere) and pattern recognition (hidden by the poly-symbolic alphabet) I can't see how it could be done.

What's Wrong With My Throat?

Ok so toady around 3 i was eating flautas a type of mexican food i swallowed and it felt like it got stuck so i drank water and It hurt as it felt like it went down but right now it hurts and Idk if its stuck in my throat, went down the wrong pipe, or just a mucus ball because im sick i've had the cough and a lot of mucus but my chest also hurts when i swallow and when I eat or drink it feels like something is stuck in there.

I think I need a lawyer for my son, do you know where I can start looking?

So in light of a current situation my son is being expelled from school for blurting out an inappropriate comment. The situation is that my son has a learning disorder and similar to turrets he tends to just blurt out how he feels, Well this time he blurted out a bad comment about some kid who picks on him constantly. On top of that the kid was kicking his heels as they were running there daily lap so my son stopped abruptly in front of him and the school is considering that bullying. BTW the other child is not being suspended or disciplined. So now I want to appeal the schools decision and was wondering if anyone has any idea of where I can even look for help. PLEASE THIS IS A VERY YOUNG CHILD WHO JUST NEEDS HELP!!!!

How do i incorporate Michael Vick into the wildcat offence in madden 10?

Online you have to use the official roster. This is to prevent cheating and level the playing field.

Where do all the war parties in Africa get their food supply from?

There are still many military conflicts going on between war parties in Africa. I just don't understand where the war parties get food and weapon supplies from? They can not plunder all the time, right?

Easy home made snack for a 13 years old girl?

i lvoe the kitchen soo much and i love cooking and i was wondering if there is any good recipe i can cook on my own something easy i know how to use the stove and we have a microwave and if anyone had any idea of a recipe for a spaghetti sous too plz tell me :D

Who thinks Guillermo Ochoa is cute??

I dunno... if he put his hair up more often than he is actually really cute, but with the hair down, no I don't like him.

Could i get salmonella?

I was shopping and i touched a drumstick chicken container. It was one of those styrofoam plastic ones. I then went to spit my gum into a napkin, and my tongue accidentally hit my thumb. Could i have it?

What does my dream mean?

First thing I would like to know ;; Are you doing drugs ? And if the answer is yes ; well you know why you have such nightmares ; but if you had Never touch drugs ; it could be a ghost [ a bad one ] who is your house and at night he slip in your dreams ;;; Usually nightmares are cause by lots of stress

What to wear? good impression? hot guy.?

SO im going out with my friend and this guy shes practically dating annnnnd he bringing his hot friend who i met once but idt he remembers me or anything. well hes frickin HOT. and this guy could get pretty much any girl and i wanna look good and make a good "second imoression" hahaha. i wear a lot of forever21 style clothes. were going to our youth group but its mad chill and we dont do anything, the majority of it is just hanging out with everyone. idess!? tips? THANKYOU.(:

Which of these names do you like best and whY?

Thats a great bunch of names I like Sadie its kind of unique the only bad thing is it can sound like a dogs name Ella is good but a little childish Lacey is a great name but probably name her Alexis so she has the options of nicknames she can be Lacey lexi alex etc.

What do you think will happen at the copenhagen summit?

A lot of photo ops, hand shaking, and long speeches about nothing. A promise to meet again and discuss what they discussed this time, basically, it is a waste of time and money.

Anderson Cooper, the most handsome man alive?

I certainly wouldn't throw him out of bed and from the rumors I've heard he plays for our team. YAY!

What noise is this from my car?

Have a 2002 Impala and when you accelerate there is a whirring sound and it gets louder with more speed. Just got new tires put on because we thought it was that but it still does it.n What could it be? We have lots of miles, over 100,000 on it.

Will be it funny when the Knicks get none of the big 5 free agents?

yeah it will be funny, but that won't happen. the knicks will at least sign joe johnson, chris bosh, amare, rudy gay, and etc...

Do you really need to be tall to succeed in baseball?

I just turned 14 last month and im 5'2" I run pretty fast and im pretty strong. I am a shortstop for my middle school's baseball team. Last season had a batting average of .450 I always play 100% every day and practice everyday alone for around an hour minimum ,homever, everyone always says im too short, too small, etc... What is your opinion?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can I pay child birth/delivery expenses from HSA?

Generally yes, you need to use the funds in the same calendar year. My HSA pays for anything the insurance does not cover - and that included, at the time, any doctor/medical bills. To get a solid answer, call your insurance provider directly or talk to your company's HR rep.

Work colleagues are weird with me?

I too am a sensitive soul and am about your age. I understand how awkward you feel as I've felt like that aswell. Just be yourself, you will soon relax into it and have a laugh with everyone. As far as your clothes go, it's cool to be different these days...start acting confident and you may find people start dressing similar to you!!

Sensitive, dry skin. vs atopic skin (need advice; thanx)?

Definitely steer clear of that product if you have very sensitive or allergic atopic skin, you will likely have a reaction to the silicone in that product. As a sufferer of atopic reactions, I can tell you that the best product I have found so far is Cetaphil lotion, it also helps dry skin. They also make a sensitive skin cleanser which I use exclusively on my face instead of soap. You can also try products from the vaseline line (I use the creamy formula for my hands w/no problems). I hope this helps a bit. Good luck!

Spanish homework, please help?

I personally don't know spanish but if its the words that you don't understand try searching them on yahoo or google but if its not the words you don't understand im sorry !!!

BREAKING NEWS! Kate McCann formally charged with murder..............?

she hasnt been charged with anything yet,she is just a suspect,and the word murder hasnt been mentioned.SKY NEWS NOW NO CHARGES HAVE BEEN MADE so atch what you write i can smell a case of libel in your question

Where can I find a sweet homely christain girl who will love me for me?

im very very shy and ugly as a result meeting people is hard and i lack confidence and girls look at me like ive dribled on them if i approach them

What is Magic Jack?

It's a USB device you plug into your computer to make "unlimited" calls from a phone you plug into the device. It is said to contain spyware, so I would proceed with caution. It is $40 for the device, at walmart, and their website. after that it is $20/year. Though I'm not sure about Canada.

Critique my drawings please. (:?

Your drawings are good! I've been drawing since a young age and I now do art at school. I'm about 15. I can't really critique you because it depends on what style you want to develop when you draw. E.g. when I draw I like to use detail. You should consider taking art cles or something because you have potential.

Why is garlic bad for dogs?

Garlic is technically cled as a herb and can not be bad for dogs at all if used in moderation.It does not repel fleas ticks or worms that's an old wives tale but it helps with digestion and many dogs just love the flavour for some strange reason

What do yall think of my horses?

The pictures are not good enough to tell you anything about their conformation. Try to get a picture with them squared up, and all of their body in the picture. Then we could tell you.

Which of these 3 Snowboards is the better 1 to buy?

Luft is right. GNU and Lib Tech are leading the pack. Magne Traction is where it is at! It slices through the hardpack and crusties like er. You won't go from fun pow to fightin for an edge ever again!!!

How do i motivate myself?

I feel pretty distracted at the moment. I've got loads of work to do in my job but I keep putting them off beause I cannot concentrate. Also I don't seem to have any future aspirations. I don't want to feel so dejected as i know it's bad for myself and my family. I really want to turn my world around and motivate myself to achieve something in life but i don't know how.

I made a couple changes to my hero deck how is it now?

ok one i'd take out the multiple fusion monsters,they'll just slow you down,add this card to your main deck it's called radiant mirror force I'll protect your heroes from stronger monsters. ah well since your not going for an origninal and authentic jaden deck I'll excuse the multiple copies of e heroes but i recommend you get some more trap cards like clay charge,call of the haunted and premature burial so you can reuse your hero monsters and protect them , ah add in cards like dimension fusion because with fusion gate; a lot of your cards are gonna end up out of play and then what. A. force add that to power up your hero monsters and hero city 2 is also another cool card to add and last card i'm gonna mention is lightning vortex this i'll help if you ever get over powered.

My dog is not acting like himself?

If he is eating and drinking, doing his outside chores as usual, not doing any panting that shows anxiety, I would watch him. If he is struggling with the heat, you might get him a cool coat,which you can order from If he isn't eating or drinking normally, this is a red flag, and you should get him to a vet!

How can I get over this guy?

Well sounds like this kid is a prick. Im not sure how you can get over him cause everyone is different but i can give you a few suggestions. You could try hanging with other people and find a hobbie that keeps you busy and keeps your mind off the matter. i know its hard but seriously if you find something and do it with people you enjoy you will meybe meet others that make you happy. i suggest surrounding yourself with others that set off a positive vibe. Obviously this kid doesnt have respect for anythng and If you have respect for yourself then you should really tun the other cheek and find other people and activities, your only 16, get away from those kinds of people!!! Good Luck!!

My macbook is running slowly. HELP!?

OK. I love hilarious videos. I wanted to download four mp4 vids on my macbook. only like maybe 10 mins of vid, maybe 15. I put it on a flash drive and then deleted them from my computer to save space. Hunky Dory. Maybe the next day, well, im not sure how much later, everything is slow. I have a fast internet connection, which is still fast on the other computers, all new macs. I ran maintenance 3.8, and repaired permissions. NOTHING. Now im runnin somthin called onyX and i hope it works. I need genius halp here people DX

How often would i need to clean my fishtank if i got one?

I wanna get a fish tank but don't want to take on more than i can handle. Nothing big .. but nothing real small either. Maybe a 20 gallon fresh water tank. Has anyone ever had fish before? Was it worth it? Is it too much for Rico to handle?

Do you know who wrote this?..........?

......."Police and politicians have a lot in common. Maybe half of them go into their chosen careers wanting to genuinely do good. Save people, and make the world a better place and all that. The other half are greedy, power hungry fu*cks! And the good half? After a few years on the job, most of them have become so corrupted and/or insulated from the real world, they become vicious, rotton twats too! You can,t trust 90% of either of them!".

Macroeconomics: NCO and net supply of domestic currency?

Why does positive NCO create a net supply of domestic currency in the market for foreign currency exchange?

How come everytime when my period is about to come or is already here, i start doing stupid stuff?

everytime when my period come or is coming, i start doing stupid stuff, nd den i get on punishment, all the time this happens!! idk wat it is.. but i jus noticed it today, like all the times i got in trouble it was on my period.. is it a co-winky dink? oh yea nd im only 14

When will Terminator end?

no because when you think about they have to explain those things but it doesnt have to exclusively focus on it because from now on the movies will be focused on the war itself which the other movies have never down, its completely possible to keep it interesting because the setting is completely different and tons of things that have been questioned for over a decade can be answered

Are there currently any cl-action lawsuits pending against Sallie Mae in the USA & where...?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do Americans realise how large their military empire is?

Um, let's see...the causal situating of said foreign military bases was, um, oh, HITLER, SOVIET expansion and aggression, JAPANESE pillaging of China, the Phillipines, etc.......golly jeepers, genius--now aren't you glad they're there?

I cant stand living with my bf after 8yr and 2 kids i think he controles me but i love him?

i find it hard 2 cope dealing with my 6yr old, 11 month old baby, my bf, a part time job,the house work and 2 cats. im 24yr been with him for 8yr. i hate the way he treats me,i feel like a kid wen hes around me. hes always telling me wat not 2 do and he always lets me no wen im doing somthing wrong even in frount of the kids and friends and family. he is always laughing and taking the micky out of all the things i like to do or watch on tv so i dont watch tv much now and my friends not that i see them alot he moans if i want to go out so i stay in most of the time he hardly eva huggs me and hes went off i have tryed everything i can think of 2 get him 2 want me but nothing he never gos out unless its 2 work he never wants 2 take me out or even stay in and talk 2 me he just shsses me most of the time or tells me what he wants 2 do or buy for his costly hobbies and he moans if me or the kids are making a mess how do i get him 2 listen wen i tell him it realy hurts me.

What do you think of these boots? (pics included which color looks the best)?

I love them. So fun and . You will be able to wear the black with much more, so that would be the obvious choice. Get them and enjoy them. You are going to look beautiful in them.

Simple Harmonic Motion, pendulum?

If a pendulum clock is accurate at Mediterranean sea level, predict wether it will lose or gain time when taken to Alps mountain. state the relevant equation

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Follow me on twitter ?

hi i love movies, music and harry potter love going out side and tryin new thing if u follow me on twitter i will follow back :) @Niamh__Doyle

Can card breaker be summoned by junk synchron or debris dragon's effects?

i know card breaker can be summoned with reinforce truth effect. so if card breaker is in the grave can it be speical summoned with junk synchron and debris dragon effects? any help would be grateful thanks

String voodoo doll costume?

I want to make a string voo doo doll costume for my daughter. I was going to make a paper mache head using a beach ball and cover it in rope but was worried about it being to heavy and how I would keep it from falling off . The cut out mouth would be where she looks out and then I would felton some eyes. I was going to attach ropes from her shirt and from her skirt and then fasten around the wrists and the ankles where the ropes would fray out like how a string voo doo doll looks like. I was curious of anyones input or thoughts/suggestions...thanks! I guess I need to create a couple of large pins to stick out who is creative out there and can help me out! THANKS!!!!!!!!!! :)

Music Help please!!!!!!!!!?

Hmmm there are alot of options. I would use the guitar and play chords or pick chords apart, the cello I would have just repeating scales and make the violin and viola harmonize

Small dark mark on my molar?

Hi, today I've noticed a small dark mark on my molar. It's in the crevice, and no matter how much I try to wash it away, it just stays. I don't feel any pain. Not from hot/cold drinks or treats jam packed with sugar. Could it be a cavity? :S

BABYNAMEGAME| if you were octomom what would you name your eight babies?

Noah Calvin, Jonah Oliver, Keith Michael, Connor Lance, Eliana Quin, Livia Charlotte, Rose Juliana, Loretta Juliet

Isn't it scary how... delusional Sharron Angle is?

She is sadly an accurate representation of the Republican party today. Crazy is all the rage. I think that they feel if they get voted back in with such crazy positions they can get away with anything.

10 Minutes Of Injury TIme?! WOA!?

...why did this happen..i couldn't watch the whole game...only from 75 mins, plz fill me in!

Quesadilla recipe... HELP?

i like to take chicken and saute it in taco seasonings, then chop it up and throw it in the quesadilla with some green chilis tomatoes, cheese, then top it with guacomole and cheese.

Could someone please help me find a cute red dress?

that dress is really cute i would get it but if you dont know try forever 21 but if you cant afford that i would try kohls and macys next :) hope i helped

What's the best way to sell a comic book collection.?

This collection consists of mainly Marvel titles from 1962-67. Such as Spiderman #s 5,7,8-51. Fantastic Four #s 12,14-60. X-Men # 1,-5 11-45. Incedible Hulk # 2&4. Plus Daredevil, Avengers,Tales of Suspense (39-75). Other titles also.